Dr. Nancy Floyd is a licensed physician who specializes in the pioneering field of Ayurvedic medicine, a comprehensive medical system from India that employs herbs, medicinal oils, diet and lifestyle, along with a unique cleansing and rejuvenation techniques to promote health and longevity. She graduated from UC Davis School of Medicine, California College of Ayurveda, Ayurveda Holistic School (NY), and Westbrook U. (PhD in Ayurveda) and is also a certified massage therapist CMT). Dr. Floyd offers the following Ayurvedic medicine services: Herbs Ayurvedic diet Daily Self-help Techniques (for lifestyle changes) Cleansing and Rejuvenation Techniques SHIROHARA - medicated oil or water flow to forehead - to induce relaxation/meditation, helps insomnia, anxiety, neurologic or psychologic problems, headache, hypertension BASTI Dough Dam - medicated oil well over areas of physical and/or emotional pain - back, neck, knee, chest, throat, eyes, abdomen