I started creating ceremonies after working briefly in a floral shop and realizing I could fill a unique niche for couples who wanted a little something different. I became an ordained non-denominational minister in 1997, then a Notary in 2000 which allows me the flexibility to issue the marriage license with no county office time restrictions. This allows me to do elopements last minuet, with out any witnesses needed. It also allows me to offer a service of providing a license at most anytime of day. I cherish and appreciate the large ceremonies at estates and large venues but specialize in the un-traditional ceremonies. I have preformed ceremonies on beaches, on skis, in hot air balloons, in the middle of the woods, on top of mountains, and in moonlight meadows, nothing is too unique. Its all about capturing the couple's ceremony ideas and celebrating the day of marriage.
We make wedding ceremonies simple and stress free. From elopements to large wedding parties along with rehearsals, we take care of the paperwork and help create a ceremony that reflects what you want. 25 years of local knowledge, and 15 years of creating ceremonies, helps with customizing small ceremony planning. For larger weddings we take care of the ceremony and paperwork and point you to the right people for the rest of the party. Having a friend of family member preform your ceremony? We offer rehearsal and paperwork packages that can make sure the ceremony goes off with a plan and the paperwork is filed properly! Marriage is hard work, so starting your journey in life together with a stress free, memorable ceremony is a step forward in the right direction.