In 2019, after losing 80 pounds in 8 months she started a meal prepping business in Washington DC to prepare dinners for busy professionals who lacked time to cook for themselves. In January 2020 she relocated to Los Angeles, California and became at fitness instructor at LA Fitness to dedicate her life to helping people overcome obesity and be the missing piece to their fitness puzzle by proving the proper meals to fuel the best results. When she realized that during this global economic crisis that people deserve to have healthy, nutritious, delicious, restaurant quality meals made in the comfort of their own home, Mindfuel Minute Meals was established. Having a chef do all the grocery shopping and cooking each week not only creates an additional 10-12 hours of free time to your busy schedule, it prevents you from overeating by having your meals portioned, and creates a sense of security for you and your family by not having to leave home to solve the