Roger and Maria are partners at Mighty Men Services. Our techs have been doing services for birds or bat removal, trapping and repairs for 20+ years. After a long history from service tech to Senior inspector at big companies Mike is leading the way to bring a different experiences to you. With a goal of Same Day Service as often as possible. Were changing the way repairs and wild life services are offered no longer waiting a week for an inspection and 2 to 4 weeks for repairs. Customers that are suffering with critters damaging their homes shouldn't have to wait and endure additional damage and sanitation concerns. Referring to the Old Saying 'There has to be a better way' the team at Mighty Men created a service plan to take care of most customers within 24 to 48 hours of their call. Give us a call we will be there to help you.
Our specialty is same day Trapping for Wild Life. Need Repairs, not interested in waiting a week or more for repairs? Call us first most of our jobs are completed within 1 to 2 days. Exclusion work to lock out rodents and wild life. We offer Removal of Raccoons, Skunks, Oposum and Rodents. Repairs on the exterior vents, screens, chewed areas, markings, door repairs, and many more. Sanitation Cleanup removal of droppings, soiled insulation in the attic and crawlspace. Let our team get rid of nuisance critters or rats and clean up the mess. Give us a call with 20+ years of experience serving the Bay Area and Peninsula your in good hands with Mighty Men Services. Call for your immediate quote on many of our services, and prompt Same Day Service!