Facials Treatments for: . Aging Skin . Dry-Dehydrated Skin . Hyperpigmentation (Sun Damaged and Photo Damaged Skin) . Acneic Skin for Teens and Adults . Sensitive and Redness-Prone Skin . Unbalanced Skin . Correction, Prevention and Nutrition of Skin Designer Couture Peels . Ormedic Lift -- To Rebalance the skin. . Signature Face Lift -- For all types, including sensitive and redness-prone skin. . Lightening Lift Peel -- To reduce all forms of pigmentation. . Wrinkle Lift Peel -- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. . Acne Lift Peel -- Effectively treats all grades of Acne. . Beta Lift Peel -- Effectively targets and improves moderate/severe acne. . Perfection Lift Peel -- Treats advanced pigmentation, acne and aging conditions. Waxing . Facial . Arms . Underarms . Legs Body Wraps for: . The whole body or targeted areas such as: . Arms . Abdomen . Legs . Bottocks . Back We retail Image Skin Care products.