Magic With Aloha, led by Mark Kiyabu, is a renowned entertainment company based in Gardena, CA. With over four decades of experience, Mark brings the Aloha Spirit to his magical performances, creating a memorable and enchanting experience for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. His unique local style of magic, combined with colorful humor and audience interaction, leaves guests mesmerized, baffled, and thoroughly entertained.
Mark Kiyabu, an award-winning comedy magician, has performed at various events, including private parties, corporate functions, fundraisers, and civic clubs. His versatile entertainment offerings include a hilarious comedy magic show filled with laughter, wonder, and excitement, as well as close-up magic performances that bring visual miracles and astonishment right to the guests' tables. With Mark's expertise and Hawaiian flair, Magic With Aloha guarantees a magical and unforgettable experience for any special occasion.
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