How I became a doctor with a passion to serve and practice good medicine. Perseverance, expense, and time, seldom does anyone get involve with this very rigorous route, all these factors that go into my decision to become a doctor. Medicine is a pressure-packed field that requires between 7 to 11 years of training, including post medical school residencies with an 80 hour workweeks. Several more years of training was added because of my foreign student status. I have given my whole life to serve God through the field of medicine, I am passionate with my research on diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, I know that I am contributing something very unique and special to health care that other physicians can't and I am a great example of being workaholic, this attitude comes with the drive to become the best doctor.
Reversing hypertension and diabetes through alternative medicine. Testosterone problem. Weight loss, with anti-aging medicine