The Lucky Duck Foundation is a non-profit organization based in San Diego, CA, dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the homeless population in San Diego County. Since its establishment in 2017, the foundation has directed millions of dollars towards funding bridge shelters, employment programs, transportation, community care kits, meals, and other critical services for the homeless. They believe that homelessness is the number one issue in San Diego and actively fund, activate, and lead high-impact, collaborative programs to address this crisis.
The foundation focuses on providing assistance to various vulnerable groups, including young people who have aged out of the foster care system, veterans, families with young children, and seniors. They work towards immediate solutions, such as funding bridge shelters, job training, and employment opportunities, advocating for the conversion of underutilized government-owned properties into shelters, distributing sleeping bag coats, and reaching out to 1,000 people daily through their food and water outreach initiative. The Lucky Duck Foundation encourages community involvement and believes in addressing homelessness using sound business principles and effective investments.
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