The mantra of this vegan restaurant is "Be veg, go green, save the planet." You won't miss the meat here. Dishes are skillfully prepared, often with mock meat made from soy. Go for the Kung Pow Wow, a meatless version of Kung Po Chicken. Or rice noodle soups such as the Bun Hue, a spicy red soup with fake fish balls, mock meat and mint leaves.
This menu of this particular Loving Hut has more Asian dishes than its sister store in Palo Alto. Within the shopping center, it's probably the only place you'll be able to pick up a package of Tofurky.
Loving Hut has a decor that is pristine, with lots of shiny white tabletops and white pleather seats.This restaurant is the brainchild of Ching Hai, a spiritual teacher.