Lotta's Bakery is a small neighborhood bakery. It has been my dream for 18 years to open a bakery in this neighborhood. As a native San Franciscan I have watched as all of the Neighborhood bakeries disapeared. It made me sad to watch the decline of an industry that gave me much pleasure. Each neighborhood had, some still have, a small personal bakery where you can get a cake for celabrations, a cookie, breakfast pastry, good coffee, bread. That is the type of bakery I wanted to create for my neighborhood.
Lotta's Bakery is a small neighborhood bakery offering a little bit of everything, cookies, cakes, breakfast pastries, wedding cakes celebration cakes and some breads ( fresh Challa every friday) Located in the back of Lotta's Bakery is Sweet Antiques, a fun shop of collectables, Antiques and clothing.