The iEmerge Project at Grateful Heart We are a group of psychotherapist interns and trainees who want to change, expand, and grow the healing field we're in - for ourselves, each other, our clients, and the world. We want to do this by choosing to be together in relationship - in a circle in which we can be known, and to apply all that it means for us personally and professionally to our clients and the world. I have the distinct pleasure of working with ten distinguished colleagues I have intentionally chosen to work with. That we are from very different cultural origins, ages, and walks of life and yet have found one another, is a source of great joy and deep learning for me.
I offer affordable psychotherapy that focuses on helping you understand and appreciate all the unique things about yourself, consider what might no longer be working out so well, and explore alternate ways of thinking about yourself, circumstances, or experiences, as well as trying out new ways of being with the world in general. I have a hard time believing there is