Internal medicine practitioners, Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Health and dietetic food stores
James A Stewart OD
solutions for contact lenses, dry eyes, and poor concentration. We accept nearly every vision insurance or union plan.To name a few... Healthcomp Medical Eye Services (MES) Eye Med VSP Safeguard Davis Superior Even Medi-Cal patients have access to this optometrist's exceptional eye care. If you have questions about what is covered, just give us a call. Services Personalized attention in selecting a frame that fits and flatters your appearance. Over 1,000 frames to choose from! Previous contact lens failures are welcome Over 60? We heartily recommend more frequent eye exams with glaucoma testing for early detection We offer contacts that give you superior vision and value--often the same lenses the eye doctor wears himself! Help For Do you have a child with a reading or attention deficit problem (A.D.D.)? Dr. Stewart has tested over 20,000 children, and written a manual about visual stress and its management called, Eyegiene--Manual for the Care and Maintenance of the Eyes.