Fontana Chiropractic & Acupuncture, located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, offers a serene atmosphere for chiropractic and acupuncture medical care. Led by Dr. Marissa Palmer, a Doctor of Chiropractic with a background in Kinesiology, the clinic specializes in gentle adjusting techniques to reduce pain and provides exceptional insight and clear patient information during each session. The clinic also offers rehabilitation and strength therapy, helping patients improve their balance, coordination, strength, and overall well-being.
Physician Michael Mark, a California Licensed Acupuncturist and Diplomat of Oriental Medicine, brings his expertise in internal medicine and diseases of the organs to Fontana Chiropractic & Acupuncture. With a focus on making a proper diagnosis and treating the root of the problem, Michael combines Oriental Medicine with Western Medicine, using time-tested and research-based needling techniques. He also incorporates Asian bodywork and cupping to address nerve, muscular, and skeletal disorders, providing comprehensive and effective treatments for his patients.
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