The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club is the local chapter of the international service organization which includes over 8,000 local clubs in 96 different countries and more than 600,000 members.
With their official mission statement being, "To Serve the Children of the World," Kiwanis undertake hundreds of thousands of service projects and raise more than $100 million every year.
Locally, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis sponsor a great number of activities including the annual Halloween Contest, the town Christmas tree in Kersting Court, Sierra Madre Huck Finn Day, the Kid's Summer Reading Program at the public library, improvements to the Sierra Madre Senior Center and many more.
The club meets every Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. in the Ararat Masonic Lodge on Sierra Madre Boulevard. Dues are paid monthly and include a lunch that is served before each week's meeting.
Membership is open to anyone in the community who is at least 21-years-old and enthusiastic about participating in the community.