We Combine Low Premium Prices With Highly Personalized Customer Care. At Just Auto Insurance Company, we've been delivering our customers the lowest-possible premium rates on their auto insurance for over 15 years. Calling us for a fast, efficient quote could save you hundreds--even thousands--of dollars on your yearly auto insurance premiums. During the process of finding you the best possible premium quote, our team will provide efficient and responsive customer service every step of the way.
Auto Insurance, Auto Insurance Quotes Offering The Lowest Rates: How We Do It We've believe in doing one thing and doing it well. Over the last 15 years, we've been constantly developing new strategies to help our customers get the lowest-possible rates for the best-possible coverage. Insurance Specialists True to our name, Just Auto specializes in insurance for low-risk vehicles ONLY. We leave other, riskier types of coverage--like home insurance and life insurance--to other companies. This helps keep our auto insurance premiums low as well. We Insure Only Low Risk Vehicles Our philosophy is simple: We do business exclusively with drivers of low risk vehicles. Why? Low risk vehicles mean lower auto insurance premiums. We believe drivers of low-risk vehicles shouldn't have to subsidize their daredevil counterparts on the road. Insuring high risk vehicles drives up premium rates for regular customers. That's the Just Auto Insurance Corporate policy.