Josephine Press is owned and operated by John Greco, who has more than 37 years of experience in the printmaking industry, both teaching and producing.
We specialize in fine art printmaking, such as intaglio, relief, and lithographic processes. We also teach workshops and work one on one with artists to create artwork. We host several printmaking workshops: Etching: Etching is an intaglio process. The etched plate is made of zinc or copper. The artist draws through a waxy substance coating the plate to reveal the metal underneath, then etches the plate in acid. The plate is then cleaned and ink rubbed into it. The ink sits in the recessed etched areas, and the surface remains clean. The plate is then passed through a press with paper placed over it, transferring the ink from the plate to the paper. Monoprint: Monoprint, often called the painterly print, is a print made by applying ink and stencils to a plexiglass plate and then transferring the image to a piece of paper. This workshop is open to the beginner to advanced level printmaker. And several workshops with specializations on a rotating basis.