I had been in personal training for five years at 24 Hour Fitness when I decided to leave for Crunch in 2013. I believed that the work environment at Crunch would be better for me. After a year, I concluded it was not. I quit in September of 2014 after a sabbatical for which I took an intense summer Chemistry course. This rigorous class inspired me to go full time as a student in my Post-Baccalaureate studies. My ultimate goal is prerequisite fulfillment for the application process to a Physical Therapy School. The switch to full time student and part-time, independent trainer was difficult but has turned out better for me. I am now able to apply what I learn in the classrooms to my PT job without the pressure of sales and quotas. The work is more meaningful to me now than it ever has been.
Jordan Smith, CSCS, specializes in: Iron Man, Powerlifting, Cycling, Running and Swimming and Those Beginning Their Fitness Journey. COVID Update: Jordan is vaccinated and taking in-person clients!