An Otolaryngologist (ENT) is a head and neck Physician/Surgeon. An ENT provides comprehensive medical and surgical care to patients with diseases and disorders that affect the ears, respiratory and related structures of the head and neck in general. This expertise includes knowledge of audiology (hearing) and speech pathology; the chemical senses; and allergy, endocrinology and neurology as they relate to the head and neck. Dr. John Amar specializes in General Ear, Nose, Throat, Allergy and Hearing. We opened in 1980 in the High Desert. We service two locations.
Ear, Nose, Throat, Allergy, Hearing, Hearing Aid Services at our location located in Amar Medical Associates. We have two locations in Victorville, CA and Barstow, CA. Servicing the High Desert Communities for over 30 years.