International K-9, based in Los Angeles, CA, is a renowned canine training company led by Mike Herstik, a highly respected consultant to law enforcement, military, and governmental agencies. With a reputation for producing exceptional canines, Herstik's training methods have been praised by the lead detective of the Los Angeles Police Department's bomb squad, who exclusively purchases Herstik-trained dogs due to their superior abilities.
Recognizing the ongoing threat of terrorism, International K-9 emphasizes the importance of constant development and forward movement in security capabilities. As Al Qaeda sends a message to terror organizations worldwide, highlighting the vulnerability of the United States, International K-9 stresses the need to remain vigilant and prepared. Through their specialized training programs, such as the Herstik Wall method, and real-life scenarios like alerting to hidden target material, International K-9 ensures that qualified agencies are equipped to effectively combat terror threats.
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