Dr. Knopke established his weight loss clinic over 8 years ago to address the chronic health problems he was seeing in his patients. Upon seeing how well effective weight loss techniques worked to alleviate chronic health conditions, he expanded his education and became board certified in Obesity Medicine. Today he plays an active role with the Obesity Medicine Association and has served as a member of the board of trustees. At Inland Empire Weight Loss, Dr. Knopke has worked diligently to create an integrated clinic with the resources to effectively treat obesity. The clinic offers meal replacement products, lipotropic injections, weight related specialty laboratory testing, and behavioral therapy techniques to help in the weight loss process. We currently offer three different providers to help in flexible scheduling. In addition, to Dr. Carl Knopke, MD, we also have Lesley Laird, PA-C and Madeline Gould, PA-C to help you achieve success in your weight loss efforts.
We are a weight loss center led by a board certified Obesity Medicine Specialist who is nationally recognized. We are the only clinic in Riverside that can offer this level of expertise. Dr. Knopke is a long standing member of the Obesity Medicine Association and he is certified through the American Board of Obesity Medicine. Dr. Knopke has spoken both regionally and nationally to train physicians to help their patients achieve wellness through weight loss. We use a variety of techniques including, nutritional guidance, behavioral therapy, psychiatric treatment, sleep therapy, meal replacements, and physical activity to help you achieve your objectives. Our goal is for you to attain and maintain health by preventing the onset of medical problems and reducing the medication burden of chronic health conditions. Common weight related health problems that we treat and prevent include diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, cancer, asthma, migraines, and many others. We treat a range of individuals ranging from those with minor health risks who just want to lose a few pounds to medically complicated patients who have already undergone bariatric surgery and have plateaued in their weight but want to lose more. If you have struggled in the past, chances are we can help. We accept PPO and fee for service based insurance plans. We also have reasonably priced cashed based plans. Please see our web site for our current prices.