For those of you that don't know me, I've been tanning indoors for over 30 years. I worked at 2 local tanning salons in the 90's & as alot of you know, founded/co-owned one of the best tanning salons for 10 years. So I have an extensive background in the tanning field & I'm also Smart Tan certified. I've been spray tanning for over 18 years & have built a nice clientel. I have my own solutions mixed & scented especially for me, to get the best results for my clients. If you have any questions about sprays or tanning, just ask. I'd be happy to help
Steps to a Great Spray Tan 1. Take a shower right before your spray. Shave your arm pits & legs. Exfoliate with a loofah or a wash cloth & body wash or bar soap. (On non spray days you should exfoliate & moisturize your skin for the best results) 2. Do not apply any moisturizers, deodorant, perfume or make-up. Just clean skin out of the shower works best! 3. Where loose dark clothing (sundress, ... sweats, shorts, etc) 4. When getting sprayed you can where what you want or don't want (bikini, bra & panties, just bottoms or nude). It all depends if you want tan lines or not. 5. Total spray time is about 7-9 minutes. Dry time 2-3 minutes. The more you do it, the quicker it gets. 6. You walk out looking tan! I recommend taking a shower the next morning. Moisturizer everyday with a great lotion! Your spray should last you anywhere from 5-10 days. .