Ala Costa Centers
Founded in 1972, Ala Costa Center offers after school learning programs for students with developmental disabilities. The center provides a wide range of activities, including community integration, specialty classes, sign language, music, dance and creative activities. Students are given a selection of different activities to experience, which develops their personal preferences and ability to learn. Headquartered in Berkeley, Calif., it enrolls students between the ages of 5- to 22-years and are grouped based on age and skill level. Its classrooms include the explorers, adventurers, voyagers, navigators and the apartment. The curriculum is designed to help students develop skills in independent living, mobility, fine arts, expressive and receptive language, functional academics, social interaction and vocational readiness. Ala Costa Center has a large playing field that offers many recreational opportunities, such as soccer, basketball and tennis, along with play areas for both preschoolers and school-aged children.