This business was located first in Iowa for 8 years before coming back to California in 2012. Located in Roseville, then Auburn, now Grass Valley. I have Bodywork training from both Iowa and California, Ayurvedic training from both Iowa and California. I have had mentoring in specialty processes that healers in this town of meditators created: I can help you switch the energy of any problem. I have training in Vedic Astrology, The Enneagram, Human Design, Radical Forgiveness, The Work, EFT Tapping, Deeksha Blessing, The Emporwerment Process, Wavicle Work, Oracle Cards, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Energy Work, Dance, etc.
Especially good at getting to the root cause of a health problem, and at helping people to deal with emotion, Elements of Health, Hilary K Jordan is Energy Healing, Spiritual Counseling with Emotional and Belief Processing and Intuitive Readings, Bodywork, Ayurvedic Holistic Health Consultation.