In 2009, Her Rebel Highness debuted their fully staged 45 minute show in the world's number 1 tourist destination, Fisherman's Wharf. Since then, they have performed numerous events in the San Francisco Bay Area ranging from 5-20 minute appearances at private events in prestigious venues such as The Fairmont, The Concourse Exhibition Center and Mezzanine nightclub, to public presentations of their full length show in an interactive, dinner theater and cocktail reception format. HRH is performing live at Harlot nightclub in SF, Sundays at 5:00 through August 12th, 2012.
Her Rebel Highness is a boldly original, 18th century-themed musical revue that tells the inspiring tale of three rebellious princesses, determined to write their own destinies! It features energizing Baroque-inspired pop music, commanding vocals and elegant choreography, elaborate period costumes and props, and an effervescent narrator (and valet to the king) who ties it all together.