High quality Counseling for individuals, couples and teenagers, desgined to meet your personal needs and goals. How I work: We are often faced with many decisions, which can cause us to feel uncertain, emotional, or anxious. Sometimes you just need someone to talk with and sort out your thoughts and feelings. Someone to help you better understand what motivates you. Someone who will teach you new skills to manage the feelings that seem unmanageable, or change something which you want to change. Therapy can be a place where you can share your thoughts and feelings without judgment or expectation: A safe space that supports and nurtures you. A place that allows you to explore your most inner fears and shame. It takes courage to open yourself up, but together we can do the inner work that often leads to meaningful changes, awareness and healing. I am available for you with active listening, compassion, non-judgment and empathetic reflection.... The therapy I offer is designed and focused to meet your personal needs. If you like, I can integrate the mindfulness principles of Buddhism into our work, or the more traditional approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emotionally Focused or Psychodynamic Theories. The therapy is designed to suit your personal needs and goals. I would love to hear from you.