2001: Master's degree in Education: Health and Social Science and Psychology 2009: Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner 2011: Certified Theta Healing Practitioner 2013: Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner 2014: Certified Angel Intuitive 2016: Advanced Clairvoyant training graduate and teacher at SeventhSight Clairvoyant School
- Intuitive Readings: $178 for 1-hour reading (check in for occasional specials); - Psychic, Energy Healing: $150 first session (2 hours) and $130 follow up sessions; - Intuitive Counseling/Life Coaching: $125 for 1 session; $330 for 3 sessions. Jari's intuitive readings are grounded in the energy of love and grace. Jari has strong claircogntive, clairvoyance, and clairsentience abilities and she works closely with the angelic realm and high guides to provide you with clarity and guidance in this time of uncertainty. Jari connects with your angles and reviews your life journey, theme of the year, current challenges and the trajectory of your life. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive specific guidance. Energy Healer: Jari is Certified Theta Healing Practitioner, Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Certified Nythia Healer and Visionary Intuitive Healing provider. Healing sessions focus on: 1. Clearing the energy fields of all subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiral, karmic and celestial including clearing and balancing chakras). 2. Bringing back Soul fragments: during difficult times in your life and when you are hurt, you leave a lot of soul fragments behind. 3. Clearing cords 4. Chakras clearing 5. Working with specific physical/emotional/mental conditions and healing genetic lines. Intuitive Counseling: Counseling sessions focus on providing clarity, healing, insights, guidance.