Healing Point Acupuncture Clinic, previously known as Classic Acupuncture Herbal Clinic, is a dedicated center in Los Altos, CA, offering authentic traditional Chinese Medicine treatments. Run by licensed acupuncturist Xin Xia and herbalist Yong Tao, the clinic specializes in acupuncture and herbal treatments for various conditions, including pain, infertility, sleep disorders, anxiety, digestive disorders, and immune disorders. With a focus on personalized care and collaboration with Western medical doctors, Healing Point Acupuncture Clinic has helped numerous patients regain their health and achieve positive results.
Utilizing acupuncture as an effective method to address pain and functional disorders, the clinic's treatments often yield significant results in just a few sessions. In addition, herbal treatments are offered as a primary treatment or as a complement to acupuncture, particularly for cases requiring daily constitution regulation or severe and complicated conditions. The clinic's success is attributed to their use of classical formulas, authentic herbs, and accurate assessments. Furthermore, Healing Point Acupuncture Clinic provides posture assessment and correction sessions to restore optimal body alignment, improving movement efficiency and reducing the risk of future spinal issues.
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