Heads Up Child Development Center is a renowned Montessori-based school located in Pleasanton, CA. With a focus on immersive education and a nurturing environment, they offer infant preschool programs for children aged 6 months to 6 years, providing the first step towards a comprehensive Montessori school experience. Their private elementary and middle school follows a student-directed learning approach, allowing students to manage their own learning and develop critical thinking skills through hands-on activities and a strong core curriculum.
In addition to their regular programs, Heads Up Child Development Center also offers summer writing camps called WriteNow, designed to enhance students' formal, informal, and creative writing skills. With multi-aged groups and a self-paced curriculum, their year-round program aims to nurture children's cognitive development and foster a love for learning. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to the growth and potential of each child, Heads Up Child Development Center is a trusted choice for parents seeking quality education and care for their children.
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