Hi there! I do private mediated playgroups with training in a completely enclosed, private dogpark. Dogs enjoy short bits of personailzed and basic training (based on my assessment and client request) amidst daily play with their best friends in the doggie pool, doggie tunnel, etc. A wonderful place for small, large, young and older dogs alike! Benefits of being in a private dogpark playgroup-no fox tails, ticks, no poison oak, access to water at all times, shade, great socialization time with a respectful and friendly pack, less risk of injury, no surprise interactions with unknown or unfriendly dogs, etc. My own dog is in the group and because of it has been safely socialized since 9 weeks. I love what I do and my company name says it all. I think I run my company the way I do for his happiness and well being now as well as for his pals. We also do small group hikes with recall training in addition to basic commands. For more pictures of the pack please check out my instagram handle at seeyouonthetrail_ .