GetzIT.co was launched with the goal of providing the tools and knowledge needed to educate a generation of Youtube watching, Facebook posting, constantly connected young people who have never known a world without technology. Their world revolves around social networks, cell phones, and immediate and unfiltered access to information. GetzIT.co will provide schools, teachers, parents and students with the tools and education to become Tech Savvy and Safe. Being Tech Savvy and Safe is about the insight and approach that will allow technology to be used appropriately; where technology is no longer taught in a vacuum but rather utilized as a tool in a safe, responsible and ethical manner both in and out of the classroom! Here at GetzIT.co our mission is two-fold: first is to dramatically increase the access to and ethical use of technology in our schools to fundamentally reshape education in this country; second it is to ensure through the launch of new curriculum and programs that educ
GetzIT.co is one of the leading providers of cyber education & safety training and curriculum. We provide Teachers with online Professional Development and Continuing Education. We provide a progressive curriculum to K-12 schools.