Gator Marketing was founded in San Jose by Daniel Luna in 2013, after he realized the power of social media while growing his previous venture, Cheap Squad, into a million dollar business. Gator quickly went on to grow and drive revenue for countless businesses in San Jose and the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area. However, Daniel soon saw potential in a different area: The Central Valley. In March 2016, after winning Best Online Marketing Firm of San Jose for the second year in a row, Daniel decided to move the business to his hometown, Stockton, CA, both for family reasons, and also to tap into an under-served market. Utilizing a mix of data-driven techniques, and real, hands-on experience in growing business and driving revenue, Gator has already helped dozens of businesses reach their potential, both in the Bay Area and the Central Valley, as well as Washington, Nevada, and the Los Angeles area.
Social media has become increasingly widespread in the last decade. Facebook makes up 28% of all traffic on the web. Yelp is the #1 app in the nation. With the increased accessibility of information, consumers are becoming more discerning. They look at Yelp to see if they should engage with a business. They Google to see what businesses are in the area. Without a presence on the web, your business will slip through the cracks. At Gator, our mission is to help businesses drive additional revenue through targeted marketing. We do this by leveraging social media and analytics, as well as quality content, to create an engaging online presence. We have a commitment to quality and a drive to share our expertise with the world.