Garage doors are integral to your home in just the way any other door is. However, garage doors are often overlooked and their maintenance ignored. Garage doors have to perform day after day tirelessly. In fact, they are the first one to welcome you home after a tiring day at the office. So, why ignore their regular servicing and maintenance. Call our experts for a quick repair, maintenance, and replacement of garage door springs.Garage Door Maintenance In order to avoid a breakdown in the operation of your garage door, it's important to have your door serviced and adjusted on a regular basis. Our Seasonal Maintenance Special will help to extend the life of your garage door and ensure that it's operating safely, and proper! Re-balance Garage Door Tighten Springs and Adjusting Lubricate Hinges and Springs Inspect Garage Door Opener
The garage door springs do most of the lifting when it comes to lifting your garage door. There are large amounts of stress put on these springs, and eventually they break down. If it's not lifting properly, chances are you need a new spring. Here are some simple tips to see if your garage door springs are broken. The door is only opening a couple of inches - then stops. A loud bang went off when opening the garage door. It's visibly broken - there's separation or gap in the spring. If any of the above happened, your spring likely needs to be replaced. The springs are vital to making your garage door lift. Without them it's impossible, the large amonut of weight and pressure over time the springs break.