Gail Brent, L.Ac., founded the Health and Vision Acupuncture center after she graduated Magna cum Laude with a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, California, in 1997. Her specialty is Acupuncture for Vision, including acupuncture for macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, among others. Gail Brent specializes in the treatment of degenerative eye disease, using the Micro Acupuncture and the AcuNova acupuncture protocols. She offers this along with Chinese herbal medicine, eye exercises, nutritional supplements, specific nutritional recommendations, techniques for stress reduction, qigong exercises, and lifestyle improvements. She also includes microcurrent stimulation when appropriate. These treatments are designed to stimulate and direct the qi (chi), blood, oxygen, nutrients and increase circulation to the eyes, in order to create an optimal environment for the eyes to heal.
We specialize in vision improvement for eye problems using Acupuncture. Our Vision Improvement Program, led by Gail Brent, LAc, effectively treats a wide variety of degenerative eye diseases including macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, among others. More than 80% of our patients respond successfully to acupuncture treatments to improve vision, which includes the slowing/stopping of degeneration. It is a proactive, hands-on treatment protocol for increasing and maintaining vision, eye health, overall health and wellbeing. The Vision Improvement Program from the Health and Vision Acupuncture center addresses various medically diagnosed eye conditions. We help with the most commonly treated disorders, including: Macular Degeneration (wet and dry) Diabetic Retinopathy Retinitis Pigmentosa Glaucoma Usher Syndrome Cataracts Stargardt Disease Optic Neuritis Dry Eyes Myopia Retinal Occlusion Optic Nerve Atrophy