Fertility Bridges was founded in 2007. We have thousands of Intended Parents who have contacted us about our infertility services over the last eleven years. What makes our company unique is our focus on social media. We have over a quarter-million global Facebook fans and many other visitors to our other social sites, which include Twitter, Pinterest, Blog, Chime.in, Tumblr, Google Plus and more. Fertility Bridges consulting will guide you through your fertility struggles with a strategic approach pertaining to your unique situation. Our consultants have walked in your shoes and know the defeated feelings you may be experiencing. Let us help you transform your life positively and move forward with solution-based thinking. We firmly believe that the body will follow when you heal your mind and energy. Fertility Bridges has worked with 150+IVF clinics.
Egg Donor and Surrogate Database College educated, kind hearted gorgeous donors and loving gestational carriers. Fertility Bridges' mission is to serve as a trusted independent and unbiased source of fertility information throughout one's family building years. We aim to be #1 in customer service by providing a nurturing and loving environment throughout the maze of fertility options and instituting plans to help bring baby home. Fertility Bridges is a fertility consulting company that helps intended parents overcome challenges in creating their families. Our consulting practice offers a road map to parenthood, which may include third party reproduction services such as IVF, surrogacy, and egg donation. We have clients from all over the world.