ATF Orthopedic Surgery welcomes the opportunity to assist you with all your orthopedic concerns. Here at ATF Orthopedics, we are committed to providing excellence in Orthopedic Surgical care. Here, we treat patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including the bones, ligaments, nerves, soft tissues, tendons, and cartilage. Known as the most well-established and respected of orthopedic groups, our goal is to help patients of all ages regain and maintain the necessary functions of everyday life. We feel that knowledge is power. So we take the time to help you understand which treatment is best for your condition, along with any other alternatives. With over 21 years of experience, Dr. Fenison has proven to not only be one of the elite orthopedic surgeons in the Inland Empire, but in Southern California. Let him and his team be your first choice for orthopedic care.