We will provide you with the best quality herbal to treat your symptom.
We specialize in: Tuberculosis (lung disease), Rectal Symptom, Chronic Cough, Chronic Constipation, Asthma (reduced airway tube), Hernia (Rupture), Bronchitis (mucus in lung tube), Stomach Ulcers, Pneumonia (airspace fill w/ fluid), Gastritis, Hay Fever (allergic inflame nasal), Cancer / Tumors, Frequent Cold, Acne, Chest Pain (blockage heart vessel), Eczema, Blood Cough (lung damage), Herpes, Nose Bleed (dry climates), Urticaria, Shortness of Breath (airflow), Psoriasis, Gout, Mycosis, Rheumatism, Thyroid Disorder, Arthritis, Indigestion, Pleurisy, Hyperlipidemia, Hepatitis, Impotence Erection Dysfunction, Jaundice, Menopause, Malaria, Weight Control, Neck, Shoulder & Back Pain, Palpitation, Muscle Strains, Heart Problem, Sciatica, High Blood Pressure, Sport Injuries, Diabetes, Stroke, Frequent Earaches, Frequent Headaches, Frequent Sore Throat, Nervous Breakdown, Kidney Problem, Head Injury, Venereal Disease (STD), Neurasthenia, Difficult Urination, Epilepsy / Seizure, Abnormal Period, Fainting Spells, Prostatitis, Insomnia, Hemorrhoid, Dizzy, High Cholesterol, and Vertigo. Note: Contact us if symptoms not listed.