Evergreen Acupuncture Clinic is an acupuncture and herbal medicine clinic established and operated by Eunyoung Lee, L.Ac. and Christian Kim, L.Ac. We are located in Redwood City and Burlingame. We specialize in all types of musculoskeletal injuries, emotional, sleep disorders, various allergies and immune diseases. We also give consultation regarding women's and men's health. Our philosophy is to provide our patients with high quality acupuncture treatments in a relaxed setting and give personalized herbal prescriptions.
1. Acupuncture: Pain Management, Allergy. * Massage Therapy: Tui-na Massage 2. Emotional disorder & sleep disorder * Chronic fatigue 3. Women's health & Men's health 4. Atopy, skin problem 5. Weight Loss Program 6. Smoking Cessation * Herbal Medicine * Moxibustion & Cupping * Ear Acupuncture