George & Rita Serban established Metro Audio Inc and purchased the Kern County MUZAK Franchise in 1965. They renamed their Corp in the early 1970's Serban's Background Music Inc. Later expanding their territory to include Inyo & Mono Counties as well as incorporating Sound System Engineering and more. Kevin DeBondt came to be their top Muzak salesperson and was promoted to Gen Mgr for the MUZAK Franchise. In 1998, Kevin & Deanna (Serban) DeBondt purchased the Franchise portion of the business, and expanded the territory to Northeast L.A County (Palmdale-Lancaster). In 2012, MOOD MEDIA purchased all MUZAK franchises, and ESSI, Inc. became a MOOD Media Independent Affiliate., where it has continued to service businesses in and around Kern County. Upon the sudden passing, Kevin DeBondt, Deanna and her children have continued the Legacy, creating a new ESSI Theme: