El Camino High Continuation School is a public school located in La Mirada, CA, and is part of the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District. With a student population of 221, the school serves grades 9-12 and offers a range of academic programs. However, according to the GreatSchools Rating, the school's test scores and college readiness measures are below average, indicating that students may not be performing at grade level. The school aims to address these challenges by providing academic support and opportunities for all students.
El Camino High Continuation School strives to create an equitable environment for its diverse student body. However, the school has been rated below average in terms of equity, suggesting that underserved students may be falling behind their peers. The school is committed to closing the achievement gap and ensuring that all students have access to opportunities for success. With a focus on academic progress, college readiness, and college success, El Camino High Continuation School aims to provide an excellent education for every child, despite the challenges it faces.
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