El Beso Cigars is a family-owned and operated cigar company that has been crafting high-quality, small-batch cigars since 1997. With a rich history dating back to the 1800s in Nicaragua, the tradition of hand-rolling cigars has been passed down through three generations. Their attention to craftsmanship, blend, and taste sets them apart from other cigar makers, ensuring a unique and satisfying smoking experience.
Despite facing challenges such as relocation and temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, El Beso Cigars has emerged stronger than ever, thanks to the support of their loyal customers. Their new store on La Habra Blvd invites cigar enthusiasts to experience the legacy and artistry that Gloria Gomez, the founder and Master Tobacconist, has instilled in every cigar. From aromatic to Maduro, each cigar is a testament to the passion and dedication that goes into creating the perfect blend.
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