Our nurses and caregivers work with clients at their home or in the hospital. We collaborate with physicians and families to ensure safe and effective care is being provided. We provide services at time of discharge from inpatient and outpatient type of settings. Our staff strongly believes prevention and maintenance is the key to a healthy life and we are now bringing our services to the Coachella Valley and West Los Angeles Areas
Live-in/Live-out Services Coordinating appointments and care Blood sugar monitoring, blood pressure checks, Fall and safety risk assessment, Skin assessment/wound care, nutritional assessment, Medication review, colostomy care, diabetic care, Lab Concierge Home Services 24 Hour Nurse Hotline. A unique service provided where caregiving and nursing services are monitored by a registered nurse. In addition to our caregiving services our overseeing nurse monitors medication adherence, diet, blood sugar levels, skin assessment, and safety. Collaborative care and communication is essential for the well being and safety for our clients. We also provide recovery and relapse support while recognizing and assisting with any obstacles that are preventing sobriety, spiritual and emotional growth. All caregivers and nurses maintain professional liability insurance, CPR certified, screened and pay for their own taxes.