The very idea of the D.B. Foundation (Dynamic Bridge) was born from a natural instinct and passion to mentor those who had minor to major setbacks in their life. It was through the mentoring of one young man in particular where I realized the power of support. The power you can instill into a troubled person by simply believing in them.
The D.B. Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization providing a model for the delivery of effective, comprehensive and coordinated human services. Through dedicated service and innovative approaches, DB will effectively help people achieve their full potential and thereby strengthen our community. The specific purpose of the DB Foundation is to enhance and enrich the quality of life for youth, women/adults, disabled/mentally challenged, illiterate, homeless, Veterans, and others that are victimized through domestic/substance abuse. DB will promote education, health, well-being, self-sufficiency and independence through instruction, vocation, transitional housing, hands-on activities, support services, information and volunteerism.