Established in 2012 by Alina Sachs, the founder of Dancify.
We specialize in boosting YOUR confidence, reinventing yourselves though your daily habits might stay the same, finding ways for YOU to feel young. Yes, almost everything you learn in partner dance is applicable to other areas in your life. Whether you are a single gentleman looking for ways to master something new and impress the ladies, or a married couple interested in spicing up your date nights by learning something new together, or are you retired and bored?! Dancify is the place where you'll discover a fun way to exercise, socialize and grow. Are you planning to surprise your friends and family at your big wedding day with an unexpected dance?! We are here to make it happen for you while not adding any more stress to your wedding preparation. Dancify has created a warm environment for dancers where movement is life and who you are is magnified on the dance floor. We don't sound, look, or move the same - that's what makes life beautiful! It's not always fun to step out of your comfort zone, but once you do - the freedom and joy you get in return is worth all the risk it took to get there. We teach absolute beginners to advanced level dancers, no partner needed to participate. Programs for youth and adults. Many special events and performances all year long!