Cure Duchenne is a non-profit organization based in Newport Beach, CA, dedicated to finding a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. With a mission to break the traditional charitable mold, Cure Duchenne combines passion with business acumen to fund groundbreaking research, early diagnosis, and treatment access. Through innovative venture philanthropy, education, and support programs, Cure Duchenne drives real change for individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and their loved ones.
Since its inception, Cure Duchenne has made a significant impact in the fight against Duchenne muscular dystrophy, increasing life expectancy by a decade and funding 18 projects that have progressed to clinical trials. With over $50 million raised for research, education, and care, Cure Duchenne has contributed early funding for the first FDA-approved Duchenne drug and leveraged over $3 billion in follow-on funding for future programs. Through their efforts, Cure Duchenne offers hope for those affected by this devastating muscle disease.
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