Out of pure frustration for the way the print and marketing industry operates, CTRL+P was born. By trade, the owner, Jason Devor, worked in the real estate industry for years. He grew a successful real estate brand for himself, and later opened a real estate office in Lake Elsinore, CA. The amount of printing a business owners should be doing to properly market themselves can be cost prohibitive. In addition, does the average business owner truly know the difference between GSM, lbs, and pts? Or how about the difference between offset, digital and gang runs? No, a gang run is not a printing company operated by a gang. LOL. Let us help you explore the different options when it comes to print and marketing. We are here to help make the best choice and keep costs down.
CTRL+P offers print and marketing solutions for all types of businesses and individuals. We offer competitive pricing along with a superior product. When you go with CTRL+P, you are choosing to support local business and choosing to be happy with the finished product. We keep it really simple around here.... Print Local. Save Money.