Cooling and Heating Repairs was founded in August 2016 on principles that just make sense: the customer comes first, punctuality and communication saves everyone time, pricing should be transparent and reflect the budget of the customer, and high quality work is the base standard. These principles were established based on the needs of the community, not the company's bottom line. Before Cooling and Heating Repairs was up and running, the founders meticulously assessed what was missing from the saturated maintenance profession. The answer came loud and clear through the voices of everyday people, and those voices are now incorporated in the company mission. When the experts at Cooling and Heating Repairs began surveying the region, they were shocked to hear how pervasive the maintenance stereotype was across the region--customers felt like objects, their time was never taken into consideration, and they would be left with bills way above the original quote.
Repair air conditioning AC systems, heater and appliance When your HVAC system goes awry, it's easy to look at the unit and wonder how in the world your issue will ever be diagnosed correctly. You relate to your unit in a similar way you relate to your personal health, an expert must be needed to do a proper assessment. However, when you dig into the equipment, ducting, and connections involved, you discover this isn't such a foreign piece of machinery. At Cooling and Heating Repairs, we are a rare cooling and heating company that wants our customers to be knowledgeable and comfortable when in need of specialty services. Common issues we find with HVAC units are clogged drains, dirty filters, sensor issues, leaking or low refrigerant, malfunctioning or dead thermostat, electrical control failure, and ductwork problems. When we come to evaluate your system, we will walk you through general maintenance best practices you can perform to alleviate future and more costly problems down the road.