Public elementary and secondary schools, Schools and educational services, nec, nec, Catholic elementary and secondary schools
Shalhevet High School
The school's philosophical foundation expresses a genuine caring for all Jews, valuing the spiritual development of the Jewish people and the continued survival of the State of Israel. In this spirit, Shalhevet High School wishes to produce academically excellent students who reflect love and tolerance for the Jewish people, zeal for Jewish learning and observance, and passionate support for the welfare of the Jewish State. The school's academic educational philosophy emphasizes a commitment to teach students to think clearly and creatively. Curriculum is designed to challenge and stimulate, as well as to teach mastery of skills in both General and Judaic Studies. Especially emphasized is the development of students' facility with Hebrew, our people's national language. Shalhevet's moral education philosophy places emphasis on the social and moral education of students. Democratic values, honesty, justice, and compassion are actively integrated into the academic and social programming. The religious philosophy of Shalhevet High School is designed to appeal to parents and students who are seriously committed to classical Jewish learning and to the rich tradition of Jewish law, custom, and ritual. The school policy abides by Jewish law in areas of diet, holiday observance, prayer, appropriate dress and social activities, as reflected in the legal perspectives of internationally known Modern Orthodox authorities. Shalhevet High School, modeled after east-coast high schools like RAMAZ, Yeshiva of Flatbush, and Maimonides of Boston, is co-educational, providing equal Judaic and secular education to boys and girls. We are a Zionist institution, encouraging students to spend post-graduate time in Israel. Shalhevet High School is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and by the Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Los Angeles.