Bungalow Heaven is a renowned neighborhood in Pasadena, California, known for its historic and charming early 20th century bungalow homes, many of which were built during the Arts Crafts period. Established in 1989, the Landmark District was the first of its kind in Pasadena, dedicated to preserving the rich historical significance of these homes. Bungalow Heaven has also earned a place in the prestigious National Register of Historic Places and has been recognized as one of the 10 great places in America by the APA.
The Bungalow Heaven Neighborhood Association (BHNA) serves as the voice for this close-knit community, advocating for its interests within the City of Pasadena. With a tranquil and leafy ambiance, Bungalow Heaven offers a unique glimpse into the early history of Pasadena, attracting visitors and residents alike who appreciate the architectural beauty and cultural heritage of this remarkable neighborhood.
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