Jaguang Sunim and her Zen teacher Hyunoong Sunim co-founded the Sixth Ancestor Zen Center in order to teach a holistic body-mind approach to cultivating good health and a spiritual path. Ven. Hyunoong Sunim, in addition to Korean Zen training, teaches a variety of alternative health and dietary practices, to establish the good health and emotional balance essential for our deeper spiritual cultivation. Serving as his translator, Jaguang studied the Body Landscape system in depth over many years, and became certified as a Body Landscape consultant. Hyunoong Sunim currently teaches at his zen temple in Seoul, South Korea. He has asked Jaguang to teach here in America. Jaguang Sunim now provides Body Landscape nutritional consultations, Chinese herb treatments, a Taoist breathing practice called Sun-do, and other health modalities, when needed, for complete health restoration.
Our therapeutic Nutritional Programs and customized Chinese herb formulas address the root of your health symptoms, to effectively eliminate your health problems, calm your emotions and vitalize your energy. You will receive a Personal Energy Profile, providing a clear picture of the underlying source of your symptoms, which foods are harmful and causing these symptoms, and which foods are most healing for you. Become empowered to take control of your health! Our clients experience dramatic improvements in their health, more energy, and a greater sense of well-being. We treat clients for symptoms such as anxiety, worry, anger, depression, fatigue, digestive issues, allergies, eczema, IBS, back pain, headaches, constipation or diarrhea, urinary problems, joint pain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, menstrual problems, low back pain, and many more. We use an ancient alternative health system from Korea called Sasang Constitutional Medicine (SCM). It has proven to be extremely accurate and effective in both diagnosis and treatments. Watch the introductory video on our website, download our Free E-book, and browse our client testimonials page. Questions? Call us!