Berkeley Acupuncture Project of California is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable acupuncture to the community. They offer community acupuncture in a group setting, allowing individuals to decide what they can pay on a sliding scale of $30-$50. Their team of experienced acupuncturists can treat a wide range of conditions, including mood and mental wellness, respiratory health, pain and inflammation, fertility and menstrual wellness, digestive discomfort, and immune support.
As part of their mission, Berkeley Acupuncture Project aims to remove financial and educational barriers to acupuncture, while also providing continuing education to acupuncture professionals and students. They are proud members of POCA (People's Organization of Community Acupuncture), a community of like-minded acupuncturists, patients, students, and clinics dedicated to promoting affordable community acupuncture for all. With a commitment to public access and affordable healthcare, Berkeley Acupuncture Project strives to help individuals improve their overall quality of life and well-being.
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